Generation BenJahwe
All of creation awaits final redemption. Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross is God's solution to this.
He passed the baton to his disciples until it was finally placed in our hands.
So it's up to us
as children of God to carry out the commission to be God's solution for today.
"Generation Ben Yahweh"
Thousands and thousands of children of God who are completely like Jesus in their essence and bring healing and restoration to all of creation in the same authority - that is God's answer at this time.
How about witnessing a generation growing up with the reality of God's presence from an early age and, like Samuel, being familiar with the speaking of God and having no doubt that they are Holy Spirit empowered and redeemed children of God.
A generation that is in tune with the heartbeat of God, building His kingdom on earth after His heavenly pattern, unfolding the full potential of Jesus, and flooding all areas of society with His glorious standards.
Just the idea inspires us from the heart.
But is that possible nowadays?
A clear "Yes!" at this point.
Mark 9:23 says: "All things are possible to him who believes!"
Matthew 18:19 "But I also say this to you, if two of you here on earth want to ask my Father in heaven for anything and agree on it, then he will give it to them."
If this idea touches your heart, become one with the vision: